About Us

Ultimate Detox Drink was developed to help individuals rid the urine of detachable metabolites for the purpose of passing an at home drug test. Existing products on the market often rely on fallible masking agents or complicated routines. Even if done correctly, other products still run the risk that an irregularity will be detected on home testing strips, flagging your sample or simply yielding a positive test result. Regardless of the reasoning for using an at home urine test, health enthusiasts now have a better way to detox their system wholly.

Pharmacist-Designed Formulas

The pharmacists who developed Green Gone Detox were approached by close friends who love the flagship product Green Gone Detox, yet need something that works quicker in the home setting. After looking for products currently on the market for suggestions, they found there were no scientific-backed products that actually targeted the removal of metabolites from urine. The idea for Ultimate Detox Drink was born. They started by looking at how the human body produces urine rich in toxins, and methods of subsequent removal. A variety of metabolites are stored in your fat cells, then slowly released over time into your blood before eventually being expelled in your bodily fluids. Well versed in both human biology and pharmacokinetics, the pharmacists focused on: diuresis to increase urine volume, b vitamin complex for healthy urine color, urinary acidifying agents, and fruit pectin to absorb metabolites in the gut.

The result was an all-natural formula based around well-known dietary supplements. Already used by humans for centuries to address a variety of concerns, this formula specifically addressed the mechanisms that lead to the breakdown and elimination of many known toxins and metabolites. We dissolved our plant-based blend into a fruit flavored drink so everyone can have a safe, ethical way to clean said toxins out of their system faster.
By speeding the elimination of metabolites naturally, you’re relying on your own body to get you under the testing threshold. That means there are no chemical masking agents to be detected or complicated processes that may not work if not timed to the minute.

We Stand Behind You

We’re proud to offer our customers a pathway to cleansing the system naturally, and we want you to be informed and engaged in your detox program. If you have any questions about our products, need additional support, or want to talk to a detox specialist and make sure you’re following the program correctly, contact our customer service team at (419) 516-4734.
Order your pharmacist-approved Ultimate Detox Drink today, and visit our blog section to stay informed on recent trends in the industry.