Refund & Return Policy

We at Green Gone LLC place the highest priority on the customer satisfaction and the quality of both our product and service. However, please refer to the guidelines below regarding important return, shipping, and company policies.

  1. Green Gone LLC reserves the right to deny sales to any customer whom we deem unsafe to consume our product after correspondence.
  2. Chargebacks may result in the denial of future sales and will be pursued for payment, if necessary.
  3. All returns must be started within 30 days of receiving the product to qualify for a refund.
    • Bottle(s) must be mailed from, and received by us in order to receive a refund.
    • Return address: Green Gone LLC 5333 Secor Rd. Unit 12, Toledo, OH 43623.
    • Customer Service number: 419-516-4734
  4. Refunds do not include any shipping/handling costs incurred.
  5. In the unlikely event that an order is filled incorrectly, Green Gone LLC will immediately begin correcting the order at no additional cost to the customer. All replacement products shipped will be done so in the manner of the previous order and the customer is not expected to return the incorrect product received. Any incorrect products received may be kept by the customer free of charge given it was our mistake.
  6. Refunds will only be dispensed to the original purchaser through the method of original payment. The name of the customer seeking a refund must match the name of the purchaser we received payment from to verify we are refunding the correct person.
  7. Customers that openly do not comply with our product instructions, or communicate to us a lack of cooperation to any correspondence with the company, written or oral, may not be eligible for a refund.
  8. This product is designed for a personal detox using our home test strips. Any customer that has a negative personal test cannot request a refund based on the results of a lab test, as our product is not used to defraud a lab test via GC/MS.
  9. We cannot refund money to prepaid credit cards.
  10. Customer acceptance of the replacement product is sent in lieu of any refunds pertaining to the original purchase.
  11. We reserve the right to cancel orders from any customer at any time if we suspect fraud or high risk chargeback potential.
  12. In order to be eligible for refund, product(s) must be sealed, unopened, undamaged, and returnable to stock.