Full Disclaimer

Please read and understand the following to ensure you can use the product safely before buying. By purchasing our product you agree to follow these terms and conditions:

Our product is intended for adult use, ages 18 and over.

The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the supplements mentioned at ultimatedetoxdrink.com are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

You should always speak with a healthcare professional before taking any dietary, nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement including detox kits.

Additionally, you should not take this product if you have any off the following conditions or contraindications:

  1. Nursing or pregnant.
  2. Liver or kidney disease.
  3. On prescription drug regimens that could interact with our product.
  4. Advised to not take the product by a healthcare professional.

Our product is intended for use in healthy adults only. We do not support or encourage illegal activity of any kind, especially involving the use of illicit substances. Further, our product is not intended to defraud any sort of lab screening test. The products sold on this site, as well as test strips, are intended for at home use only.

Keep this product out of reach of children. Store this product at room temperature. Chill at least a few hours before ingestion to improve taste. Do not use the product if the tamper seal is broken or missing prior to opening the package.

This website is designed to provide you with a specific product that performs a specific task. The "Ultimate Detox Drink" product should not be used for any other purpose than explicitly stated by Green Gone LLC. The information on this website is purely informational and should never supersede medical advice from a healthcare professional. In addition, we do not provide legal advice, and that should be sought elsewhere if required.

Your use of this website, the product Ultimate Detox Drink, test strips provided, and information herein is done entirely at your own risk and Green Gone LLC will not be held responsible for any loss or damage including but not limited to: indirect, special, incidental, or punitive loss sustained as a result of using the website and/or the product. Green Gone LLC does not assume any liability for the information contained herein, be it direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages; including intangible losses. ALL CUSTOMERS PURCHASING ULTIMATE DETOX ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE RESULTS EXPERIENCED. The information provided at ultimatedetoxdrink.com is believed to be accurate at the time it was created and it was based on our internal research. Information on this website may contain errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. There may also be improvements or changes in the products and services described in this website at any time without notice. If there is any doubt as to the accuracy of any claim or information on this site, the reader is responsible for verification of that claim. This product is not designed or intended to defraud any sort of laboratory test and is strictly intended for home use only.