How it Works

At Ultimate Detox Drink, our drink contains a powerful and safe herbal blend that helps eliminate any and all metabolites/toxins from urine. Our detox drink is approved by pharmacists as one of the best ways to detox temporarily for an at home test.

See below to learn more about the ingredients in our detox formula, and how they safely remove metabolites in urine.

Consider the following summary of some of our effective ingredients:

B vitamins

The purpose of different B vitamins is to give the higher volume of urine the appropriate color.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps to acidify urine. In doing so, the urine produced has fewer metabolites dissolved in it, effectively lowering the concentration of metabolites in the urine sample.


Creatinine is present to some degree in normal urine. It is a byproduct of muscle production and breakdown. Commonly, urine samples need to have some amount of this present to help prove the specimen is real, even in the home setting. To avoid the issue of dilution pushing the serum creatinine in the sample to a value that is too low, we supplement some in the drink to offset this issue. This way you can present an extremely well-hydrated sample, without worrying the Scr or specific gravity will be too low.

Apple Pectin

Pectin is a form of soluble fiber. It is present in many different fruits and vegetables naturally. Toxins are not only present in the urine but several other spaces. The idea behind pectin is to bind the majority of the metabolites present in the gut to avoid these metabolites leaking into the vasculature, and subsequently being detectable in the urine.

Dandelion Root and Caffeine

These two ingredients work in tandem together to provide a diuretic effect. That way, simply more urine volume is achieved to expedite the detox process.

Ultimate Detox Drink

With a powerful combination of several completely natural ingredients, Ultimate Detox Drink is the best way to detox at home for a brief period of time. Our simple and effective products are developed and recommended by pharmacists, made in an FDA-approved facility, and are Good Manufacturing Practice certified.

Please feel free to contact us at any point with questions about the product or home testing procedures.

We even offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

Ultimate detox drink blends all of these herbs together to create an efficient way to remove toxins from your body. Our 100% vegan-friendly plant-based drink offers a bonus, as they're better for both you and the environment. Follow our kit directions closely to discover the best way to detox.