
At Ultimate Detox, our goal is to ensure our products and resources offer the best way for you to detox. A major part of accomplishing our detoxification products is to help you understand what your expectations should be and create detoxification goals.

When it comes to learning how to detox, you should have realistic expectations for the results you’ll see. We don’t offer miraculous removal of metabolites from your system, we offer a scientific method to help you cleanse your liver, blood, and fat cells for a short duration time window.

Make sure you fully read our detox instructions before starting to learn how to flush toxins the right way.

How to Use the Test Strips

To check the effectiveness of our detox kits, we provide test strips that allow you to check your progress. Here are the detox instructions to help you get started with the testing process:

  1. Before you take your test, make sure you have consumed the entirety of the Ultimate Detox Drink.
  2. For best results we recommend drinking another 2-4 cups of plain water within a half hour of finishing.
  3. This should ensure that you are hydrated. Your urine should be light yellow. 
  4. Urinate at least once before your test. You should never use your first urination of the day for the test, as the first urination of the day is more likely to be the most concentrated urination.
  5. Urinate for a few seconds, then start collecting your sample. 
  6. When providing a urine sample, use a technique called a “mid-catch.” Once your sample cup is full, finish urinating in the toilet. This process will minimize how many toxins are in your sample, as the solutes are often in the top and the bottom of your bladder.

You may be tempted to test yourself before the detox process, but we don’t recommend that you waste your test strips mid or pre detox. Save your test strips for later to make sure you’ve had a successful detox. If you’re using the test strips for the first time, you may find yourself getting impatient. It takes as little as five minutes for results to appear for our test strips.

We’re Here to Help

To see the best results from your detox, you need to carefully follow the detox instructions, and be sure to read the entire disclaimer. For conclusive results, it would be best to use the test strips inside the window of one hour to four hours upon completion of the drink and hydration consumption. For some users, results are quicker.  

Speak to your doctor before you start taking this product to confirm that you aren’t allergic to any of the components of the drink. Ingredients may be found on the label. It’s also important to ensure that there won’t be an interaction between the detox program and any supplements or medications that you’re currently taking.

For more directions on how to detox fast, please feel free to contact us at for additional detox instructions and answers.